Monday, October 16, 2006

Wind, Rain & Other Elements

The rain began last night, falling softly at first then as the wind whipped up, falling harder through the trees and eventually turning into a steady downpour. Safe and warm inside, I listened to the branches scraping the roof and bending toward the ground, thunder rumbled in the distance and the small brown dog crawled up into my lap, trembling slightly, big dark eyes seeking reassurance from the storm. The new kitten joined her and they cuddled up together next to me, nose to nose and soon asleep, all conflicts forgotten for the moment.

The rain is a force for renewal and growth. It washes away the dust and dirt, it turns brown back to green, it cleans the air and sometimes leaves a rainbow. It also floods the streets, makes driving miserable, and can inflict damage on unsuspecting homes.

My search for the forces in life that are not double edged swords is ongoing.

1 comment:

Polyhymnia said...

If you find one without a double edge, let me know.