Thursday, September 28, 2006

Nip and Tuck

The face I see in the mirror could use work, I admit. There are lines etched in, circles under my eyes, crowsfeet. All "correctible" if I should choose to indulge in cosmetic surgery. I'm not as young as I used to be and for that I'm grateful every day...I've discovered that there's no age I'm willing to trade for even if it included wrinkle free skin.

I like faces with character, faces that you can read as if they were stories, faces that reflect a life lived whether it be lived well or hard. I look at scars, smile lines, frown lines, wrinkles - and I see history, I see experiences and trials, successes and failures, secrets, pride, and pain, all blended together to make an individual unique. The best faces wear their memories and feelings and have honest eyes and easy smiles. They are genuine and they don't mind if the wear and tear shows. I believe we are meant to age naturally and honestly, to highlight and not erase the signs of our years. We each have a story behind our eyes but it's read on our faces.

The smooth, no lines look of plastic surgery create a blank slate - tight with no give. Artificial and superficial youth in exhange for the realism of substance and the integrity of character. Such faces arouse no curiosity, they offer nothing to explore.

Let your face be a roadmap of your travels, destination unknown and in no hurry to get there.

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