Monday, September 11, 2006

Mind and Body

Sometimes I forget to take care of myself in terms of the mind-body connection and the results tend to be unpleasant.
For several weekends in a row, I have been mid house cleaning when taken over by the threat of nausea and a low grade headache. Now, to be clear, I would rather be in hell with a broken back than vomit so when every swallow wants to reverse itself, I go to the couch and try to nap while I wait for it to pass. I don't have the fortitude to induce it even when I know I would feel better afterward.

As a result, nothing gets done and my mind and body are soon in a race for which one can feel the worst. Hours go by, an entire night goes by with all my focus on the weight in my chest that is suppressing the nausea. I don't eat or drink, I don't sleep, and I haven't the will to shower and dress. I know I'm backsliding but can't bring myself to care. By Sunday night, it's full blown depression, physically and emotionally.

As I went through this yet again this past weekend, and pulled out of it by Monday afternoon, I began considering causes. And decided that it's mostly that I haven't been taking care of myself. Too much nicotine and chocolate, not enough greens, exercise or sleep. What the body feels, the mind will wrap its arms around. So I bought myself a salad, drank two bottles of water, got on the treadmill and went to bed early.

Health is a precious gift and we should maintain it as best we can. Cause and effect, mood and behavior, feelings and actions - they all work both ways for the good or the harm. All the parts need to be healthy to be whole.

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