Sunday, August 06, 2006

No Regrets

My house is wall to wall pictures - every shelf or bookcase or desk or nightstand is littered with them. It's a gallery of
memories and dreams, of moments when everything was right, of time standing still. In every room I see the people I love, the animals that are waiting for me, the magic places I've been to. I live surrounded by the beginings and endings of the past and the hopes of the future.

If you look closely, the pictures tell stories ... about music and those who play it, about the colors of emotions, about lonliness and the joy and bitter sweetness of being in love. They're true stories, about the give and take in being with someone who stirs your soul. They're about waiting and longing, about hot summer nights and the blues drifting from a stage. They're echos that don't stop, smiles that linger, touches you still feel the morning after. Mostly, they're about not having regrets.

Some pictures are no more than snapshots, brief moments born of luck and timing. Others are tricks of light and shadow, they endure but have little substance. Some however, are genuine photographs, taken with patience, practice and love. They capture not only the moment but the feeling behind it and the stories they tell are private and precious.

Steve Goodman wrote "It's a mighty short trip from the cradle to the crypt, so you better get it while you can." Be grateful for the story or the picture or the song. Share it while you can, be a part of it, and don't waste time on regrets.

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