Thursday, May 10, 2018

A House, A Dog and a Wedding

A conundrum: It pleases and undoes me to see the children of dear friends taking their places in the adult world. How has this much time passed, I wonder. Suddenly these little ones are marrying, buying houses, adopting dogs and having children of their own. It's unnerving and it makes me sad to know I won't see their lives play out but it also makes me hopeful for the future. These are strong, moral, involved, caring and responsible children turned adults and perhaps things are not as black as I usually imagine. Perhaps a world left in their hands will recover. I hope so.

Youth is a fearless and optimistic time, after all. Everything seems possible and within reach when you're 20. By 30, you're a little more weighted down and by 40 you're a lot weighted down but still in bloom, still not looking back. In your 50's, you begin to catch on to the idea that it may not last forever. And then, practically overnight, you're on the AARP mailing list, waiting on the social security checks, thinking it's time to make a will and wondering where you went wrong.

I fear I am jaded past the point of no return by the evil and insanity in the world so it's a comfort to know there are children who will be good caretakers of what we leave behind. I hope they'll forgive us.

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