Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Old Flies & Honey Routine

Not IT.
Not the software.
Not the internet speed.
Just a simple matter of an anti virus program that took a slow system to a dead stop.  Our in house IT guy arrived, uninstalled it, and after a week and a half of rage and misery and useless input from useless people, the system returned to normal instantly.  Eight days of hearing hoof beats had produced no zebras, just a wayward old horse.

Following the doctor's instructions, I called the people who had installed the program and explained that they had nearly wrecked us, compromised the practice, inconvenienced countless patients, made it impossible to do our jobs with any degree of efficiency and severely damaged my own mental and emotional health.  A reputable tech support company would've known the risk of the Norton software, I continued, and if they didn't, they should have.  Lastly, I suggested that the doctor be given some consideration on the bill and that we be given an apology.  

They explained to me that effective immediately, they would no longer be offering us technical support as we refused to maintain a basic level of compliance.

In hindsight, I might not have been as diplomatic as I could've been.  I might even, as I admitted to the doctor, been a tiny bit hostile.  He once again suggested that I need to learn to hold my temper with stupidity and arrogance and practice a little tact - the old flies and honey thing, a skill I seem to have quite intentionally  discarded with age - I admit it's more effective if you want to catch flies, but then all you have is live flies and  no sense of satisfaction.  I prefer to swat, sweep them up, and walk away with (at least in my own mind) a certain sense of vindication.

Basic level of compliance, my ass.

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