Sunday, May 12, 2013

If I Had a Hammer

Technology and blame shifting will be the death of me, I'm sure of it.

After three hours of clicking the mouse and waiting 5,10, even 15 seconds for some kind of reaction from the screen, I'm incoherent with frustration.  I send my third email of the morning to our software rep, demanding to know what's going on.  She finally responds and tells me it's an IT issue.  When the IT guy calls, he assures me it's a problem with our internet speed.  I'm not the least bit surprised when our internet provider smugly tells me it's a software problem.  Technology has become a game of Round Robin and I'm beginning to think that none of the players know their asses from a hole in the ground.  When I share this sentiment with all three of them, things get frosty but they don't get better.  No one will take any responsibility, no one offers a solution, and things gradually grind to a halt.  If I had a hammer, I think to myself and trudge back to his office to give the doctor a no progress report. 

Finger pointing has become a national pastime.  The buck no longer stops anywhere, it just breezes by on its way to the next desk.

It takes 22 keystrokes to reschedule an appointment.  Not to be offensive, but short of a circle jerk, 22 strokes for anything is just plain ludicrous.

I've lost count of the number of times the screen suddenly freezes and then shuts down on any given day.  It needs no provocation.  

I'm asked to write a brief critique of the software application.  You don't have enough pages and I don't have enough time, I write back.

It'll save you time, they said.
It'll save you paper, they said.
It'll save you labor, they said.

Let me tell you about this bridge I have for sale.

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