Monday, November 20, 2006

Glamor Girl

At a recent fund raiser for animal groups I was again reminded of what it's like to be an afterthought.

With Butterbean in her Christmas collar and red sweater tucked under my arm, I walked in. I'd only gone a few feet when there were cries of "Butterbean!" and "Look, Daddy, it's Butterbean!" and we were instantly surrounded.
This continued the entire length of the mall - at each table, she was recognized and fussed over and she responded with kisses to anyone who got close enough and tail wagging so enthusiastic that it shook her whole small body. When a friend approached with her husband and son and said to her husband, "Jack, you remember Butterbean .............. oh, and B too ...." I was put in my place once and for all. Butterbean, of course, was delighted with it all, having been raised on the counter of a retail store she was socialized early on with a steady flow of customers of all ages and she takes it for granted that people want to meet her and love on her. I've become used to being her accessory and her transportation. She's been in the newspaper, on a billboard, and has her own calendar but success hasn't spoiled her a bit.

She's a one of kind little dog and I'm blessed to have her.

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