Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Arrive Alive

The customer set the camera on the counter none too gently, looked me square in the eye and said in a matter of fact tone of voice, Damn thing don't work. The strap had been chewed through, the body was dented, mangled, and covered with teeth marks. Have any help gettin' this way? I asked neutrally, trying to maintain a serious tone. Nope, he said with a perfectly straight face, Just found it like this.

As I sat in the dentist's chair this morning, pondering how to explain how the dog had gotten to my bridgework ( for the second time ), I recalled that conversation about the camera but knew I wouldn't be able to pull it off. The truth is not always the easiest road especially when telling it is going to make you look like a profound idiot, but that's part of what being a grownup is all about.

The truth is a one way street with a low speed limit, my grandmother used to say, stay between the ditches,
don't speed and you'll always get there in one piece.

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