Monday, May 16, 2016

False Faith

The very young, neatly put together couple on my doorstep with their plastic smiles and glossy pro-life brochures gave me chills. I ached for a gun.

Somehow I managed to quiet the frantic dogs and push open the screen door, forcing the couple back a step or two.

Get the hell off my property, I said coldly, and take your trashy fliers with you.

Their smiles faltered a bit.

We just wanted to leave you.....the boy began while the girl tentatively tried to hand me an anti abortion door hanger.

I know what you wanted, I said and slapped it out of her outreached hand, And if you're not out of my sight in the next five seconds, I'll set the dogs on you.

Their mouths fell open and they fled, not even taking the time to tell me to have a blessed day.

In hindsight, I could've been kinder or more sociable and still made my point, but there's something about right wing extremists with their direct links to God that bring out the venom in me.

We'll pray for you! the girl called over her shoulder once she safely reached the street.

Pray for this! I shouted back and tore her precious doorhanger into tiny bits, See you in hell!

If my soul needs saving, it's a private matter. I may not always be sure whether I believe in God but I have an unshakeable faith that it's my business and not that of some false faith, pro birth, sleazy salvation peddlers.

Jesus probably wouldn't have wished for a gun but I sure as hell still did.

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