Friday, June 15, 2012

Praise, Don't Punish

Might've been the thunder I imagined I heard.
Could've been the single and silent lighting strike that I dreamed split a jagged line across the sky.
But more'n likely, it was the soft whine and anxious, gentle throat kiss from a small daschund that woke me.  As soon as I stirred from sleep, he pounced like a tiny tiger. 

Out?  I asked sleepily and he nudged my neck fiercely, his entire body quivering with anticipation, his every ready, set, go! movement an encouragement.  I pushed aside the covers and stumbled out of bed - it was quarter after three in the morning.  On the deck it was just beginning to rain and the air was hot and still.  I watched him disappear into the shadows, then emerge in a proud strut, enthusiastically covering his tracks and looking  pleased with himself as he trotted back to me.

Good dog!  I told him and stroked his ears, Good dog!

A few hours later that same morning, as I cleaned up a mess he had not woken me for, I reminded myself it was about praise, not punishment - about practice and consistency and reinforcing good behavior - not so different than raising a child, I told myself.  Praise builds up and strenghtens, makes you  proud and determined to do better.  Punishment tears down and singles out flaws, makes you feel unloved and worthless. 
None of us hear good job! nearly enough, not as children, not as adults.

Patience, I said aloud, Aside from stain and odor removers may be the greatest gift we ever find.

The storm that had been so perilously close at hand at 3 am had dissipated and passed by.  The sky was clear and light although the air was heavy and close with early morning humidity.  It was going to be another scorching day. I let the dogs out one final time before I left for work and watched the little daschund find a patch of leaves and lift his stubby back leg.

Good dog!  I told him again and gave him a hug.

I was rewarded with a kiss and a look from those shining, innocent brown eyes that words can't describe but  any true dog lover knows well - it warms your heart and reminds you that every life is a gift and should be treasured.

Praise, don't punish.  It makes all the difference.

 What a good dog!
 Barbara Woodhouse

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