Friday, May 28, 2010

Come the Revolution

Come the revolution, I think to myself.... British Petroleum, each and every health insurance executive, every Wall Street CEO and the entire United States Congress will be thrown, hands and feet tied, into an oil spill. There will be a temptation to add a sports figure or two ( Michael Vick comes to mind ) and several celebrities to the mix, possibly most if not all of Fox News. Then we would simply turn our backs and walk away - hands clean, indifferent, no accountability, no need to make things right for the country or the environment. It might not be justice but it would be deserved not to mention satisfying.

I think there is more broken in this country than government.

If Congress were not in bed with investment banks....
If marriage vows were not so temptingly in conflict with public service....
If the Interior Department was less interested in pornography and LSU tickets ....
If lying by public officials wasn't an art form .....
If greed didn't rule ....
If the President of this country was disagreed with but still respected ....
If Rand Paul, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh or Dick Cheney knew when to shut up ....

But none of that is nor is it likely to be. During my lifetime, we have become a country of pretty words and promises - rhetoric and lies - and meanwhile, the wars continue, the politicians profit, the poor go hungry and the rich carelessly thrive. If there is money to be made, drugs to be trafficked, crimes to be committed, favors to be traded or corruption to be kept alive and well, we have the people to do it.

What cost a salt marsh, a pelican or a beach. What cost a fisherman's livelihood or a family's life savings. What cost a foreclosure, a reputation, an honest election, an eco system. What cost peace, honor or a life. When do we stop protecting the wrong and step up for the right? I fear it will not come to pass during my lifetime.

Louisiana isn't the only place that has shrimp - Randy Prescott, BP representative

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