Sunday, October 04, 2009

Private Perversions

In some ways, we are what we learn.

If, from a young age, we are taught to be lazy, irresponsible, shirkers who will never be truly held accountable for our actions, who will always have someone trailing behind to clean up the messes we make before they catch up to us, we become useless adults. If we are never asked to reason, if everything is handed down without effort, we become thoughtless, selfish and intellectually challenged. And if we are taught materialism and the value of possessions count more than integrity and kindness and peace of mind, then we become greedy, grasping, and vain. Family will turn their backs, friends will fade, even drinking buddies will move on, finally realizing that if alcohol is all you have in common, then you have less than nothing.

Such people are the clutter of the earth, little scraps of litter and discarded debris that men in orange jump suits on the sides of the road are sent to pick up. They have no purpose except to get in the way and be annoying, to trash an otherwise pretty landscape and to relentlessly disappoint those around them. Searching for the good in such people is an exercise in futility and only breeds resentment and rage at their very existence. They take without the first thought of giving back, hiding behind fraudulent smiles and counterfeit, imitated emotions. There is nothing genuine to be found - no character, no consideration, no good deeds. Take them apart, and you would find acres of emptiness in place of a brain, a heart, or a conscience.

This we learn - to be careless with others, to be assured of our own entitlements, to arrogantly dismiss those who might help, and to tread on anyone brave enough to get in the way. Is it really any wonder that such people are despised and laughed at? That at the end of the day, we have not even pity for them? That contempt would be generous? Just as I think it might be possible to find some charity, I discover that their private perversions are not rumors but advertised boldly, made public on a website, twisted, mangled, sadistic and sad.

In some ways, we are what we learn but if we choose to stay that way we shouldn't be surprised to be kicked to the curb and run over by a passing garbage truck.

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