Sunday, October 05, 2008

A Word from Hallmark

A woman is like a tea bag, the card read, you never know how strong she is until she's up to her ass in hot water. It was a nice gesture from a friend who knew the kind of week I was having but I had my doubts. With all due respect to Hallmark, a woman pushed to and then past her wits end is not a pretty sight. My inner strength was ebbing fast and the thought of one more day of coping with a world of trouble was nearly unbearable. I could feel Ol' Man River closing in over my head and realized that such times demand drastic measures. I decided to go to the zoo.

When in doubt, the zoo is a good place to be. It was a sunny, warm day and becoming one with the animals was as natural as taking a breath. I walked the paths slowly, uphill and down, around the corners, enjoying the children enjoying the animals. There were the big cats - lazing in the October sunshine without a care, looking mildly curious about their visitors but unconcerned. One white tiger paced steadily while his mate slept, oblivious to the stream of onlookers and cameras. The elephants took dust baths and the giraffes fed peacefully and watched them. The alligators slept in the stream, unmoving and unblinking, their deadly jaws locked as if dead. Monkeys swung from treetops, chattering up a storm in answer to the hundreds of birds just down the way. The rhino lumbered to the fence and glared at the crowd.
There were owls and eagles, cheetahs and foxes, okapi and bison, flamingos, turtles, parrots, all minding their business and coexisting without human strife. In the petting zoo, delighted children fed lambs and goats and shrieked at the touch of the friendly barnyard animals. The donkeys brayed for treats, nosing into the hands and pockets of the little ones so bravely holding out a handful of hay. Ducks and swans and geese swam together in harmony. In this small, protected community, life is good and without struggle. Ol' Man River receded as I walked among the animals.

When in doubt, go to the zoo and talk to the animals. They've heard it all before but will listen anyway and will help you find your way back.

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