Sunday, July 29, 2007

Gather Ye Rosebuds

The lily pond was exactly midway between Freeport and Tiverton, in the tiny village of Central Grove. It seemed to be always in bloom, the water like mirror glass, reflecting everything it saw. Nana could usually be persuaded to stop long enough to let me wade in, sink my bare feet into the cold mud, and pick a single flower. The lilies didn't last, of course, they would have died by the next morning but for a brief time their sweet, sharp scent would fill my small room. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Nana told me kindly, old time is a-flying. And my daddy would smile and recite the next lines, The flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.

Steve Goodman wrote It's a mighty short trip from the cradle to the crypt, so you better get it while you can. And in
AA they say One day at a time. The message is all the same - the sweet things in life never last long enough so live, love, laugh and be grateful.

The best cure for resentment or anger is gratitude. On a bad day, I try to look around and take stock - I'm above ground, reasonably healthy, I have a home and a houseful of animals I adore, I work and get paid for my efforts, I don't wear rags and I'm not hungry. My life is filled with music, books, friends, and solitude when I want it. Though I still struggle with finances, health, my past and all the seven deadly sins, I like my life, where I am and who I am. I am more fortunate than I deserve, more lucky than I could have hoped. Gratitude is a godsend.

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