Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A January Morning

Caught off guard by the ice, the dogs skidded across the back deck and tumbled to the frozen grass, getting to their feet and looking at me with a mixture of surprise, resentment, and just a hint of hostility. They hadn't counted on winter turning their backyard into a sort of wasteland. Everything was frozen over and slick and as they headed for the back fence with ice crunching under their feet I could sense their suspicion. This was a new and unfamiliar world and so far hadn't been friendly. Then a squirrel made his precarious morning run across the top of the fence and they forgot the ice as they gave frantic chase.

Back inside, toweled off and comforted with an extra biscuit, their minds went on to other things as dogs' minds will.
Their natural ability to forgive and forget is enviable and though the entire scene would likely be repeated at lunch, for the moment they were content and the backyard was put out of their thoughts. As I went about the morning routine, I thought how nice it would be if God had given all His children this magical gift for erasing unpleasantness. By the time I left for work, both dogs were asleep and dreaming .... perhaps of squirrels and spring and extra biscuits.

When I find myself wishing for a simpler life, it's good to be able to realize I already have one.

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