Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Medicine Show Man

My grandmother - a rock of respectablity, the east coast distributor of common sense and hard work, a woman grounded in reality like cement - succumbed to the wiles of Doctor Will, the medicine show man.

I was playing jacks on the side porch when the rattletrap old cart pulled up and turned into our long, descending driveway. The cart was brightly painted with all manner of pots and pans and utensils dangling from every corner and pulled by a grey horse with an enormous peacock feather attached to her bridle. She pranced down the gravel drive, head up proudly, the silver bells on her harness jingling with each step. There were even leather bands with bells attached to her hooves and she stepped delicately as if dancing. The man driving was wearing a top hat and a wide smile, red suspenders over a white shirt with ruffles and flowing sultan-like pants. I half expected to see a parade of munchkins following behind or at the very least, circus clowns. Horse and cart reached the end of the driveway and the dogs erupted from behind the screen door, followed closely by my grandmother, bowl of bread dough and wooden spoon in hand. She was scowling and clearly unhappy with the interruption of her morning baking and hushed the dogs impatiently. The little man tied the reins and jumped briskly to the ground, gave her a low bow and tipped his hat. Top of the mornin' to you, Missus! he exclaimed in a cheerful imitation Irish brogue, Dr. WIlliam Gentry McClean at your command!
My grandmother lowered her glasses at him suspiciously and then glanced at me. Close your mouth, child, she said sharply, You'll catch flies. She set the mixing bowl on the edge of the woodbox and approached the cart, wiping her hands on her apron and peering over her glasses at the silver-ish mare now grazing peacefully on the back lawn. She inspected the horse briefly, seemed to approve, then slowly made her way all around the cart, reading aloud as she went. HERBS AND POTIONS....ALL NATURAL TONICS ....THE LATEST IN MODERN MEDICINES AND PILLS.... KITCHENWARE......REMEDIES FOR WHATEVER AILS YOU .....LADIES PARASOLS ......MAGIC GROWTH OIL ....LINIMENTS ....DR. WILLIAM GENTRY MCCLEAN'S MAGIC MEDICINES CURE ALL!!!!

Then to my astonishment, my no-nonsense, stoutly republican, totally down to earth grandmother was captivated and in an accent equal to his own asked And what is it you'll be havin' in your coffee this fine mornin', doctor? and taking his arm, she led him toward the house. Speechless and slackjawed, I trailed after them. Nana made coffee and sliced fresh bread, offered her newly made apple butter and even packed a lunch, adding a small bottle of brandy as as afterthought. She bought pots and pans, new knives, several homemade remedies, and an assortment of liniments for an assortment of ailments from gout to indigestion. Dr. Will accepted her gifts graciously and took her money with a kiss to her hand then climbed aboard his cart and with a whistle to the grey mare, drove smartly away.

He never returned and Nana made no mention of him that night or any other but in my heart I knew that he had been a wizard from a far off magic land and that somehow he had put stars in her eyes and beguiled her.

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