Friday, September 15, 2006

With Love

Ten years ago this month, my friend Ran died. It doesn't seem possible that so much time has passed without him. It was a senseless and tragic death, one that tested my faith in a gentle and loving god. I couldn't find any good or any comfort in the fact that his suffering had ended, couldn't see why it was inflicted in the first place. He was a good and uncommonly decent man, generous, dedicated to his family, his work, his community and his friends. He was funny, impatient, bright, politically active and involved. He cared deeply and he gave to the people and things that he cared about. He was much respected and much loved. And he is very much missed.

It's impossible to comprehend why such a man should be taken at just 47. He had so many things left to do, so much that he could have accomplished, so many dreams to make come true. I tried to visit every day in the hospital and once he came home as well. He didn't always know I was there.

His life wasn't finished and we were all cheated by his death. But he lived well, he lived proud, with grace and honor and a style his very own. All of us who knew and loved him count ourselves lucky to have been his friends. Cousin Linda sent me a quote that is perfect for what I feel about Ran, from an unknown author: Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.

1 comment:

Polyhymnia said...

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal.
Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
—Author Unknown